Starting the tough conversations

 This week is another free for all so I thought I'd take this opportunity to talk about something that I've been noticing a lot more on social media. This topic is often viewed as uncomfortable or gross to talk about, but in reality, these are conversations that need to be had and conversations people shouldn't be ashamed to start. As you know, I am an advocate for mental health, but there are other kinds of health. This week I want to shed a little light on all aspects of physical health.

Recently I've found myself on the doctor side of TikTok, where several health professionals are posting videos about topics that are usually uncomfortable to talk about. A community of health professionals have found a way to spread their messages in a fun, light-hearted way, and it's sparked important conversations for people. Some dentists will post about different issues one may have with their teeth and this prompts the comments to fill with people sharing their issues and asking questions about dental hygiene. 

Another example of physical health is sexual health. I've seen many female nurses sharing some facts about menstruation, birth control, sexual hygiene and other female body specific topics. While these topics are more personal, the health professionals welcome questions and want to be able to help people and make them feel comfortable asking questions, and learning more about their bodies. 

TikTok especially has created a community for people of all different ages, races, genders, sexual orientations, cultures, religions etc. to ask questions they may be afraid to ask, and to learn more about themselves and the things that affect them personally. I've witnessed many people in comment sections expressing their gratitude towards content creators and sharing about their personal struggles. There seems to be no embarrassment or regret in asking questions and taking part in conversations about more intimate things.


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